La Agencia de Protección del Medioambiente de los EEUU, la EPA en inglés, que ya viene utilizando Documentum desde mayo del 2002, va a extender el uso de este software hasta la gestión interna total de toda la documentación e información de la entidad, así como, también, la gestión de las webs de la misma.


PLEASANTON, Calif., Oct. 27 /– Documentum today announced that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has selected the Documentum ECM platform as the standard for records management and document management applications throughout the entire agency.

The EPA currently uses the Documentum ECM platform across a number of its 10 regions and 15 laboratories, and plans to extend the use of Documentum to all of its locations, to manage citizen and business interactions with the government. The EPA is the second federal agency to standardize on the Documentum platform this year, joining the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, which standardized on Documentum for creation, management, delivery and archival of all types of content, including records, web content, documents and the results of collaborative efforts.

The EPA initially deployed the Documentum ECM platform in May 2002 to support EDOCKET, an innovative, web-based, electronic docket system that has substantively enhanced the public’s ability to participate in the Agency’s rulemaking process. Since its launch, EDOCKET has saved taxpayer dollars and streamlined citizen-to-government communications. Based on EPA’s success with the Documentum-based EDOCKET system, Documentum has been selected as the model for a federal government-wide docket management system accessible to the public and all Federal agencies. This system is currently under development as part of the eRulemaking Initiative — a significant interagency E-Government effort managed by EPA and affecting the entire federal government.

After evaluating EPA’s requirements, the Agency chose Documentum from more than 18 commercial off-the-shelf records management and document management applications that it evaluated for its Electronic Records and Document Management System (ERDMS).

«In the Agency’s evaluation of available products, Documentum stood out as the most cost-effective and complete ECM solution on the market,» said Oscar Morales, Director, eRulemaking Initiative for the EPA. «Since EDOCKET was first launched, site traffic has increased 400 percent, and our users are well-informed on issues affecting them. Documentum provides the flexibility and scalability to easily support our growing needs — now and in years to come.»

«EPA’s decision to standardize on Documentum agency-wide demonstrates how Documentum is fast becoming the ECM platform of choice in the public sector,» said Dave DeWalt, president and chief executive officer for Documentum. «More and more we see Documentum customers continue to expand their use of our products, making the Documentum platform a core part of their IT infrastructure. Documentum is proud to team with the EPA, helping them to serve as a successful model for e-government initiatives.»

Government Agencies Rely on Documentum

Documentum has hundreds of local, state, federal and international government customers, including the Food & Drug Administration, General Services Administration (GSA), Maryland Procurement Office, U.S. Army Recruiting Command, U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine & Surgery (BUMED), the UK Foreign and Commonhealth Office (FCO) and the County of San Diego. These customers rely on Documentum to be more effective, improve operational efficiencies and decrease costs.

Por Editorial

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