Los ejecutivos de EMC y de Open Text no ven ahora más que una ‘idea-fuerza’: Information Lifecycle Management, o lo que podríamos traducir en la Gestión Total e integral de todo el proceso seguido por la información y los datos: desde su creación (Documentum- Open Text) hasta su almacenamiento seguro (Ixos-EMC). En unas sesiones sobre almacenamiento en red que están teniendo lugar en USA Mark Lewis, ha explicado hoy qué es el Information Lifecycle Management.


ORLANDO, Fla.–Oct. 28, 2003–EMC Corporation’s Mark Lewis, Executive Vice President of Open Software, will be a featured speaker at this week’s Storage Networking World Fall 2003. Through his industry leader keynote presentation, which takes place today at 9:45 a.m., Mr. Lewis will outline the roadmap to information lifecycle management. Centered on the optimal management of information throughout its useful life, information lifecycle management will help companies drive down costs, increase productivity and business continuity, achieve compliance with regulatory requirements and align their storage infrastructure and management with information value. 

«In the next three years we will see more change in the storage industry than in the past decade, with the industry rapidly evolving and embracing information lifecycle management. A typical large company today has hundreds of applications, terabytes of online information, even a petabyte of data on tape. But there’s virtually no ability to optimally match the value of specific information at any given point in time to the type of storage resources managing it. Information lifecycle management will result in the optimal management of information throughout its life, from creation and use to archiving and disposal.»

Mr. Lewis will describe what customers can do today to deploy existing information lifecycle management capabilities for immediate business benefit and to build a foundation for lifecycle innovation. A phased information lifecycle management roadmap based on a networked environment of tiered storage platforms will serve as the foundation for policy-based information management. Initial phases will apply information lifecycle management practices and policies to specific applications. Later phases will create an information lifecycle management infrastructure across all applications.

«In addition to matching storage resources to the value of data at any given point in time, a successful information lifecycle management strategy must be business-centric, tying closely with key processes, applications, and initiatives,» Lewis added. «It must be centrally managed and anchored in enterprise-wide information management policies that span all processes, applications, operating systems, and resources while providing an integrated view into all information assets, both structured and unstructured.»

«The largest productivity gains from storage investments are found in those businesses that view storage as infrastructure,» Lewis continued. «As such, the most enlightened organizations have advanced their view of storage from a stovepipe model that’s deployed over and over again with each new application, to an infrastructure that can be deployed once and used over and over again. This, combined with a focus on information lifecycle management, will reduce the time and labor needed for integrating new applications, increase the organization’s flexibility and responsiveness, and address the overall management of information in a consistent and systematic manner.

«When it comes to reducing costs all the easy cards–eliminating headcount, cutting projects, deferring upgrades–have already been played. The next frontier for cost savings has to come from improvements in the process of managing information itself–a process that hasn’t really changed in the past 30 years. Information lifecycle management is a new approach to managing information based on its changing value over time. By aligning the resources applied to protecting and managing information to its changing value, businesses can eliminate inefficiencies in resource allocation, simplify management, and lower cost–while actually increasing the ability to meeting service level commitments and compliance needs.»

Por Editorial

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