Documentum acaba de lanzar un módulo Record Management para la gestión legal de eMail. Este módulo se viene a añadir al sistema Record Management que Documentum lanzó a primeros de abril de este año.


Documentum Announces New Records Management Solution for Email

Documentum Records Services for Email Helps Companies Immediately Address Wide Range of Recordkeeping Requirements

PLEASANTON, Calif., April 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Documentum (NASDAQ:DCTM) , the leading provider of enterprise content management (ECM), today announced Documentum Records Services for Email. This new solution is available as a standalone offering or as a component of the Documentum Records Management Edition, which was announced on April 1, 2003. Documentum Records Services for Email enables companies to automatically monitor, index, archive, search, audit, retrieve and dispose of incoming, outgoing and internal email messages and attachments, according to company policies.

Organizations currently face increased needs for managing and storing greater amounts of content to avoid regulatory risks and protect against legal actions. With seamless server-side integration to leading corporate email systems, Documentum Records Services for Email helps organizations meet business requirements for retaining and monitoring email as well as regulatory standards and requirements, without affecting end user experience, or relying on end users to comply with company policies. Combining enterprise-wide rules, auto-categorization and content filtering, records of emails and attachments can be scanned for critical topics or keywords, intercepted and quarantined for further review, if questionable content is discovered. Email and attachments can also be automatically archived in easily accessible, non- rewriteable, non-erasable formats for specified periods, simplifying and ensuring the maintenance and enforcement of consistent email archiving and records management policies.

Failure to properly archive and quickly retrieve email records on demand can result in damaging corporate exposure and significant fines, and the Documentum Records Services for Email helps organizations minimize the risk of noncompliance and protect against litigation,» said Dave DeWalt, president and chief executive officer for Documentum. «Companies across all industries are implementing email archiving and records management, oftentimes tied into their overall content management strategy, and we see strong demand from existing customers, as well as many new prospects.»

Addresses Range of Regulations

Documentum Records Services for Email is certified against the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) 5015.2 and was developed in accordance with the UK Public Record Office standards for electronic recordkeeping systems, both widely accepted benchmarks that are being adopted as guidelines for recordkeeping policies. Documentum’s enterprise-scalable email archiving solution can help companies to comply with a wide range of government and industry regulations for email retention and disposition, including, but not limited to:

  — US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Rules 17a-3, 17a-4
  — US NASD (formerly National Association of Securities Dealers)
     regulations 3010 and 3110
  — New York Stock Exchange Rules 342 and 345
  — UK Financial Services Authority (FSA)
  — UK Data Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act

  Built With Proven Technology

Documentum Records Services for Email integrates proven records management technology from TrueArc Corporation, which Documentum acquired in December 2002, with the industry-leading Documentum Enterprise Content Management platform. With thirteen years of proven experience in managing all content types, including email, electronic content and physical records, Documentum provides a common records retention infrastructure to ensure common policies and implementations are in accordance with a wide variety of relevant regulatory environments.

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